
  1. Symbol sequences and orbits of the free-fall three-body problem
    Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, Vol. 67, Issue 6, id.11510116, 2015 (Tanikawa, K.; Mikkola)

  2. Disintegration process of hierarchical triple systems II: non-small mass third body orbiting equal-mass binary
    Cel. Mech. & Dynam. Astron., Vol. 116, 1-10, 2013 (Saito, M. M.; Tanikawa, K.; Orlov, V. V.)

  3. Disintegration process of hierarchical triple systems. I. Small-mass planet orbiting equal-mass binary
    Cel. Mech. & Dynam. Astron., Vol. 112, 235-251, 2012 (Saito, M. M.; Tanikawa, K.; Orlov, V. V.)

  4. A New Set of Variables in the Three-Body Problem
    日本天文学会欧文誌, Vol.62, 1 - 7, 2010 (Kuwabara, Kenji Hiro; Tanikawa, Kiyotaka)

  5. The rectilinear three-body problem using symbol sequence II: role of the periodic orbits
    Cel. Mech. & Dynam. Astron., Vol. 103, 191-207, 2009 (Saito, Masaya Masayoshi; Tanikawa, Kiyotaka)

  6. Periodic orbits and binary collisions in the classical three-body Coulomb problem
    Physics Letters A, Volume 372, 6899-6903 (Sano, Mitsusada M.; Tanikawa, Kiyotaka)

  7. The rectilinear three-body problem
    Cel. Mech. & Dynam. Astron., Vol. 100, 93-120, 2008
    日本天文学会欧文誌, Vol.56, 879 - 885, 2004 (Orlov, Victor Vladimirovich; Petrova, Anna V.; Tanikawa, Kiyotaka; Saito, Masaya M.; Martynova, Alija I.)

