力学系: 二次元写像

  1. New Period-Doubling and Equiperiod Bifurcations of the Reversible Area-Preserving Map
    Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 128, No. 5, pp. 845-871, 11/2012
    (Yamaguchi, Y.; Tanikawa, K.)

  2. Non-Symmetric Saddle-Node Pairs for the Reversible Smale Horseshoe Map
    Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 128, No. 1, pp. 15-30, 07/2012
    Yamaguchi, Y.; Tanikawa, K.

  3. Forcing Relations for Homoclinic Orbits of the Reversible Horseshoe Map
    Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 126, No. 5, pp. 811-839, 11/2011
    Yamaguchi, Y.; Tanikawa, K.

  4. A New Interpretation of the Symbolic Codes for the Hénon Map. II
    Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 125, No. 3, pp. 435-471, 03/2011
    Yamaguchi, Y.; Tanikawa, K.

  5. A New Interpretation of the Symbolic Codes for the Hénon Map
    Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 122, No. 3, pp. 569-609, 09/2009
    Yamaguchi, Y.; Tanikawa, K.

  6. Topological Entropy in a Parameter Range of the Standard Map
    Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 121, No. 4, pp. 657-669, 04/2009
    Yamaguchi, Y.; Tanikawa, K.

  7. Birkhoff Periodic Orbits in the Standard-Like Maps
    Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 120, No. 1, pp. 175-180, 07/2008
    Yamaguchi, Y.; Tanikawa, K.

  8. On Mather's Connecting Orbits in Standard Mapping
    Progresss of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 119, No. 4, pp. 533-559, 04/2008
    Yamaguchi, Y.; Tanikawa, K.

  9. Non-Birkhoff Periodic Orbits of Farey Type and Dynamical Ordering in the Standard Mapping. II
    Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 118, No. 4, pp. 675-699, 10/2007
    Yamaguchi, Y.; Tanikawa, K.

  10. Non-Birkhoff Periodic Orbits of Farey Type and Dynamical Ordering in the Standard Mapping
    Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 117, No. 4, pp. 601-632, 04/2007
    Yamaguchi, Y.; Tanikawa, K.

  • 複数地点の日食観測から求めたΔTおよび月運動の潮汐項
    日本天文学会欧文誌, Vol.56, 879 - 885, 2004 (谷川清隆・相馬 充)

  • 推古天皇三十六年の皆既日食記事の信憑性
    日本天文学会欧文誌, Vol.56, 215 - 224, 2004 (谷川清隆・相馬 充)

  • 日本・中国の古代日食から推測される地球慣性能率の変動
    第35回天体力学研究会集録, 282 - 295, 2003 (河鰭公昭・谷川清隆・相馬 充)

  • 日本中世の日月食データの吟味と地球自転
    第35回天体力学研究会集録, 267 - 281, 2003 (相馬 充・谷川清隆・河鰭公昭・今江廣道)

  • (翻訳) 地球回転の長期的ゆらぎ: 紀元前700年から紀元1990年
    Long-term fluctuations in the Earth's rotation: 700BC to AD 1990,
    F.R.Stephenson and L.V. Morrison,
    Phil. Trans. R. astr. Soc. London A Vol.351, 165-202(1995)

