Articles in Historical Astronomy
Earth rotation derived from occultation records
- M. Soma and K. Tanikawa
- 相馬 充、谷川清隆
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 68, Issue 2, id.29 8頁 (2016)
Solar Eclipses in the First Half of the Chunqiu Period
- K. Tanikawa, T. Yamamoto, and M. Soma
- 谷川清隆, 山本一登, 相馬 充
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 62, pp.797-809 (2010)
Units of Time in Ancient China and Japan
- Mitsuru Soma, Kin-aki Kawabata, and Kiyotaka Tanikawa
- 相馬 充, 河鰭公昭, 谷川清隆
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 56, 887 - 904 (2004)
ΔT and the Tidal Acceleration of the Lunar Motion
from Eclipses Observed at Plural Sites
- K. Tanikawa and M. Soma
- 谷川清隆, 相馬 充
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 56, 879 - 885 (2004)
A Solar Eclipse Versified in the Shijing
- K. Kawabata, K. Tanikawa, and M. Soma
- 河鰭公昭, 谷川清隆, 相馬 充
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 56, 869 - 877 (2004)
On the Totality of the Eclipse in AD 628 in the Nihongi
- K. Tanikawa and M. Soma
- 谷川清隆, 相馬 充
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 56, 215 - 224 (2004)
TT - UT in the seventh century derived from astronomical records
in the Nihongi, the Suishu, and the Jiu- and Xin-Tangshu
- Kin-aki Kawabata, Kiyotaka Tanikawa, and Mitsuru Soma
日本書紀、隋書、旧唐書および新唐書の天文史料から得た7世紀のTT - UT
- 河鰭公昭、谷川清隆、相馬 充
Astronomical Instruments and Archives from the Asia-Pacific
Eds. Orchiston, W., Stephenson, R., Debarbat, S., Nha, I.-S.,
Yonsei University Press, Seoul, 2003
Reliability of the totality of the eclipse in AD628 in the Nihongi
- K. Tanikawa and M. Soma
- 谷川清隆, 相馬 充
- 2001年10月 中国、しん台、郭守啓研究会 (unpublished)
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