Articles in Historical Astronomy

  1. Earth rotation derived from occultation records
    M. Soma and K. Tanikawa

    相馬 充、谷川清隆

    Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 68, Issue 2, id.29 8頁 (2016)

  2. Solar Eclipses in the First Half of the Chunqiu Period
    K. Tanikawa, T. Yamamoto, and M. Soma

    谷川清隆, 山本一登, 相馬 充

    Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 62, pp.797-809 (2010)

  3. Units of Time in Ancient China and Japan
    Mitsuru Soma, Kin-aki Kawabata, and Kiyotaka Tanikawa

    相馬 充, 河鰭公昭, 谷川清隆
    Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 56, 887 - 904 (2004)

  4. ΔT and the Tidal Acceleration of the Lunar Motion
    from Eclipses Observed at Plural Sites

    K. Tanikawa and M. Soma

    複数観測地点での日食観測から得られた ΔTと月運動の潮汐加速
    谷川清隆, 相馬 充
    Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 56, 879 - 885 (2004)
  5. A Solar Eclipse Versified in the Shijing
    K. Kawabata, K. Tanikawa, and M. Soma

    河鰭公昭, 谷川清隆, 相馬 充

    Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 56, 869 - 877 (2004)

  6. On the Totality of the Eclipse in AD 628 in the Nihongi
    K. Tanikawa and M. Soma

    谷川清隆, 相馬 充
    Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 56, 215 - 224 (2004)
  7. TT - UT in the seventh century derived from astronomical records
    in the Nihongi, the Suishu, and the Jiu- and Xin-Tangshu

    Kin-aki Kawabata, Kiyotaka Tanikawa, and Mitsuru Soma
    日本書紀、隋書、旧唐書および新唐書の天文史料から得た7世紀のTT - UT
    河鰭公昭、谷川清隆、相馬 充

        Astronomical Instruments and Archives from the Asia-Pacific Regions,
        Eds. Orchiston, W., Stephenson, R., Debarbat, S., Nha, I.-S.,
        Yonsei University Press, Seoul, 2003

  8. Reliability of the totality of the eclipse in AD628 in the Nihongi
    K. Tanikawa and M. Soma

    谷川清隆, 相馬 充

       2001年10月  中国、しん台、郭守啓研究会 (unpublished)

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