From contraction to outflow:
l Isothermal Run-away collapse:
Ø Evolution of linear phase and formation of a pseudo-disk A1O5L0L2_rot.avi (animation)
l After the formation adiabatic core
Rotating but non-magnetized cloud Rotating ring
² Cross-cut view of the ring A1O5_L8_rot.avi(animation)
Magnetized but non-rotating cloud Nearly static core
² Cross-cut view of the core A1O0_A.gif(figure)
Rotating, magnetized cloud Nearly static core + Outflow
² Cross-cut view of outflow (L8) A1O5_L8_rot.avi(animation)
² 3D view of outflow (L10)A1O5_poly2_L10.avi(animation)
² Large-scale 3D view of outflow (L6-8) A1O5_poly2_L6L8.avi(animation)