Past Presentations
[Gordon Research Conferences - Origin of Solar System -
(2001年6月、Connecticut, U.S.A)]
"The Effect of Dynamical Friction on Terrestrial Planets"
[American Astronomical Society,
Division on Dynamical Astronomy 33rd Annual
Meeting.(2002年4月、Oregon, U.S.A)]
"The Effect of a Disspating Disk Gas on Terrestrial Formation"
[American Astronomical Society
Division on Dynamical Astronomy 34th Annual Meeting
(2003年5月、Ithaca, N.Y.)]
"Formation of Terrestrial Planets in a Dissipating Gas Disk
with Jupiter and Saturn"
[American Astronomical Society
Division on Dynamical Astronomy 35th Annual Meeting
(2004年4月、Canne, France)]
"The Effect of Gas Disk on Protoplanet Formation"
・East Asia Numerical Astrophysics Meeting]
「Formation of Protoplanets with the Effect of Migration」(ポスター)
「微惑星円盤内での連星形成 I 等質量微惑星円盤」
[Proceedings of the 33rd Symposium on Celestial Mechanics,
"The Effect of Dynamical Friction on Terrestrial Planets"(2001)]
[Proceedings of the 34th Symposium on Celestial Mechanics,
"Formation of Terrestrial Planets in a Dissipating Gas Disk"(2002)]
[Proceedings of the 35th Symposium on Celestial Mechanics,
"Formation of Terrestrial Planets in a Dissipating Gas Disk
with Jupiter and Saturn"(2003)]
[Proceedings of the 36th Symposium on Celestial Mechanics,
"The Formation of Protoplanets in the Planetesimal Disk"(2004)]