Star Formation Workshop 2015, From Clouds to Cores
1. Major Topics at the Workshop
The "Star Formation Workshop 2015" will be held on June 29th - July 1st, 2015 in Mitaka,
Tokyo, Japan. The aim of the workshop is to bring together theorists and observers working
on star formation,
who would address the most recent advances in our knowledge of cloud evolution, cloud structure,
and star formation. The workshop also aims at overviewing the Asia research activity on star formation, fostering close collaboration within East Asia.
The meeting consists of several invited talks (30min including 5min for Q&A), and
contributed papers.
We will select some for contributed talks (15min + 5min Q&A) and others as posters.
Selection of contributed talks will be done by organizing committee by the end of May.
Registration is now open
date: June 29 - July 1
location: 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588
Large Seminar room at the NAOJ Mitaka campus
2. Key topics:
Formation of structure in the ISM
Structure and evolution of interstellar clouds
Formation and evolution of protostellar disks and jets
Role of Stellar Feedback
Triggered star formation
Role of turbulence and magnetic field in star formation
Star cluster formation
3. Science Organizing Committee
Fumitaka Nakamura(NAOJ)
Ryohei Kawabe(NAOJ)
Kazuhito Dobashi (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.)
Koji Sugitani (Nagoya Prefecture Univ.)
4. Local Organizing Committee
Fumitaka Nakamura(NAOJ)
Yasuhiro Hasegawa(NAOJ)
5. Registration
The deadline of the registration is June 1st.
update: June 17, 2015