Next: Basic Equations for Radiative
Up: Hydrostatic Equilibrium
Previous: Polytrope
In section 4.2, we obtained the maximum mass which is supported
against the self-gravity using the virial analysis.
In this section, we will survey result of more realistic calculation.
Formalism was obtained by Mouschovias (1976a,6), which was extended by
Tomisaka, Ikeuchi, & Nakamura (1988) to include the effect of rotation.
Magnetohydrostatic equlibrium is achived on a balance between the Lorentz
force, gravity, thermal pressure force, and the centrifugal force as
(C.13) |
In the axisymmetric case, the poloidal magnetic fields is obtained by
the magnetic flux function,
or the
-component of the vector potential as
Equation (C.13) leads to
(C.18) |
Equation (C.17) indicates
is a function of
, which is constant along one magnetic field line.
Ferraro's isorotation law demands,
that is, to satisfy the stead-state induction
is constant along a magnetic field.
This means
is also constant along one magnetic field line,
From this, the density distribution in one flux tube is written
\end{displaymath}](img1579.png) |
(C.19) |
This means
is also constant along one magnetic field line,
Since the forces are expressed by the defrivative of function
(C.20) |
where equation (C.19) is used,
equation (C.15) and (C.16) are rewritten as
Finally, using the fact that
, and
are functions of
these two equations are reduced to
\Delta_1 \Phi=-\frac{d (b_\phi^2/2)}{d \Phi}
-4\pi r^2 \lef...
.../c_s^2\right]+\rho r^2 \omega \frac{d \omega}{d \Phi}\right\}.
\end{displaymath}](img1588.png) |
(C.23) |
Another equation to be coupled is the Poisson equation as
\Delta \psi=4\pi G \frac{q}{c_s^2}\exp\left[ -\left(\psi-\frac{1}{2}r^2\omega^2\right)/c_s^2\right].
\end{displaymath}](img1589.png) |
(C.24) |
The source terms of equations (C.23) and (C.24) are given by determining
the mass
and the angular momentum
contained in a flux tube
Mass and angular momentum distribution of
is chosen artitrary in nature, where
is the the height of the cloud surface where
the magnetic potential is equal to
For example,
are chosen
as a uniformly rorating uniform-density spherical cloud threaded by uniform magnetic field.
The source terms of PDEs [eqs (C.23) and (C.24)] are given
from equations (C.27) and (C.28).
While the functons
are determined from the solution of these PDEs
are chosen.
This can be solved by a self-consistent field method.
Next: Basic Equations for Radiative
Up: Hydrostatic Equilibrium
Previous: Polytrope
Kohji Tomisaka