Cosmological solutions to the Lithium problem:
Big-bang nucleosynthesis with photon cooling,
X-particle decay and a primordial magnetic field
2014. 07. 01.
The 7Li abundance calculated in BBN with the baryon-to-photon ratio fixed from fits to the CMB power spectrum is inconsistent with the observed lithium abundances on the surface of metal-poor halo stars. Previous cosmological solutions proposed to resolve this 7Li problem include photon cooling (possibly via the Bose-Einstein condensation of a scalar particle) or the decay of a long-lived X-particle (possibly the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle). In this paper we reanalyze these solutions, both separately and in concert. We also introduce the possibility of a primordial magnetic field (PMF) into these models. We constrain the X-particles and the PMF parameters by the observed light element abundances using a likelihood analysis to show that the inclusion of all three possibilities leads to an optimum solution to the lithium problem. We deduce allowed ranges for the X-particle parameters and energy density in the PMF that can solve 7Li problem.
We have calculated BBN taking into account three possible cosmological extensions of the standard BBN. These include photon cooling, the radiative decay of X particles, and the possible existence of a PMF. In particular, we consider the possible combination of all three paradigms simultaneously in a new hybrid model. We then utilized a maximum likelihood analysis to deduce constraints on the parameters characterizing the X particles (τX[s], ζX[s]) and the energy density of the PMF (ρB = B2/8π) from the observed abundances of light elements up to Li.
FIG. 2;
Constraint on the X particle parameters and the PMF strength and energy density.
From FIG. 2, as a result, we obtained ranges for the X-particle parameters given by
4.06 < log (τX[s]) < 6.10 (95% C.L.),
-9.70 < log (ζX[GeV]) < -6.23 (95% C.L.),
e also find that the hybrid model with a PMF gives the better likelihood than that without a PMF,
and the best fit and 2 σ upper bound on the energy density of the PMF are
B = 1.89nG at a = 1.0 (the best fit),
B < 3.05nG at a = 1.0 (95% C.L.).
We discussed the degeneracy between the parameters of the X particle and the PMF.
Since the parameters of X particle are mainly constrained by the D and 7Li abundances, while the energy density of the PMF is constrained by the 4He abundance, we found there are no significant degeneracies between parameters of the PMF and the X particle.