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Accretion Rate
Using equation (2.26), the necessary time for a mass-shell at
to reach the center
(free-fall time) is expressed as
(4.79) |
(for detail of this section see Ogino, Tomisaka, & Nakamura 1999).
Consider two shells whose initial radii are
The time difference for these two shells to reach the center
can be written down using equation (4.79) as
\Delta T(R)
\left[\frac{3}{2}-\frac{{R}}{2M(R)}\frac{dM(R)}{dR}\right]\Delta R.
\end{displaymath}](img1126.png) |
(4.80) |
Mass in the shell between
, accretes
on the central object in
Thus, mass accretion rate for a pressure-free cloud is expressed
This leads to the expression as
(4.81) |
Figure 4.8:
Mass accretion rate against the typical density of the cloud.
This gives time variation of the accretion rate.
Consider two clouds with the same density distribution
but different absolute value.
Since these two clouds have the same
the mass accretion rate depends only on
, and is expressed as
(4.82) |
This indicates that the accretion rate is proportional to
while the time scale is to
This is confirmed by hydrodynamical simulations of spherical symmetric isothermal clouds (Ogino et al.1999).
When the initial density distribution is the SIS as
the mass included inside
is proportional to radius
In this case, equation (4.81) gives a constant accretion rate in time.
In Figure 4.8 we plot the mass accretion rate against the
cloud density.
represents the cloud density relative to that of a hydrostatic Bonnor-Ebert sphere.
This shows clearly that the mass accretion rate is proportional to
for massive clouds
This is natural since the assumption of pressure-less is valid only for a massive cloud in which
the gravity force is predominant against the pressure force.
Similar discussion has been done by Henriksen, André, & Bontemps (1997) to explain
a decline in the accretion rate from Class 0 to Class I IR objects.
They assumed initial density distribution of
(4.83) |
as shown in Figure 4.9.
Since the free-fall-time of the gas contained in the inner core
is the same,
such gas reaches the center once.
It makes a very large accretion rate at
equation(4.81) predicts
A constant accretion rate is expected for this power-law and
the accretion rate is converged to a constant value after
Since for this power
equation(4.81) predicts
They gave
Figure 4.9:
A model proposed to explain time variation in accretion rate
by Henriksen, André, & Bontemps (1997).
The density distribution
(left) and expected accretion rate (right).
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Kohji Tomisaka