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Inside-out Collapse Solution
In 1977 Shu found another self-similar solution which is realized after a central protostar with
infinitesimal mass is formed in the singular isothermal sphere solution.
The gas begins to accrete to the protostar.
Outside the region where the accretion occurs, the initial SIS is kept unchanged,
since the SIS is a hydrostatic solution.
And the front of accretion expands radially outward in time.
Since the inflow region expand outwardly, he called it the inside-out collapse solution.
In Figure 4.8, the evolution is shown for density and inflow velocity.
This solution gives the evolution of a protostellar core formed in a subcritical cloud/cloud core.
Using equations (4.69) and (4.70) and assuming the inflow velocity should reduce at large radius,
we obtain
(4.73) |
(4.74) |
is finite),
means that
(4.75) |
Comparing with the SIS, when
this gives the SIS and when
this gives a density distribution
in which the pressure is inefficient and the cloud is contracting.
The solution with
is obtained by a procedure as
(1) at a sufficiently large radius
, calculate
(2) from these values, integrate equations (4.63) and (4.64) inwardly.
Figure 4.8 show the solution of this type.
The solution with
inflow speed is accelerated towards the center.
), it is shown that an outer part
, the solution reaches the singular line
, this solution with
converges to the SIS at
This means that if there is an infinitesimally small amount of excess mass at the center of SIS,
the accretion begins from the center while outside a radius the cloud is left static.
The inner part of the solution
are well expressed
Figure 4.8:
Self-similar solution which shows the inside-out collapse. (Left:) Infall velocity (
is plotted against the similarity variable
Three curves correspond to models
, 2.1, and 2.01.
(Right:) Density (
) is plotted against the similarity variable
The power-law distributions of
are explained as follows:
Conservation of the total energy of an inflowing gas shell is expressed as
(4.76) |
denotes the initial radius of a gas shell and
represents the
mass inside the gas shell.
compared with the term
this gives
(4.77) |
where we assumed a major part of
comes from the mass of a protostar
, that is,
Since the average density inside the radius
for SIS distribution,
the time necessary for a gas shell to reach the center is proportional to
where we used a fact that the front of accretion expands with a constant speed
This means that the time necessary for the gas shell to travel from the radius of the accretion wave front
to the center is proportional to
Since the mass of the shell which begins accretion in a unit time is equal to
and is constant irrespective of
These two facts indicate that the mass accretion rate is constant in time.
That is,
(4.78) |
Since the mass swept by the sound wave per unit time is equal to
the accretion rate is proportional to
Shu (1977) obtained the accretion rate
(4.79) |
for SIS
Using this equation, equations (4.77) and (4.78)
indicate that the spatial density
distribution is expressed by a power-law as
(4.80) |
which is valid for the region except for the vicinity of the front of the accretion.
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Kohji Tomisaka